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Welcome and Mabuhay!         Say it and we'll find it. Order it and we'll buy it. Pay it and we'll ship it!


Welcome to LG Medical Supplies

Discover the Comfort and Convenience with LG Medical Supplies

It has never been easy to find stores that offer complete set of medical supplies. If we find one, for sure its either they are out of stock or even worse if they have it but too much for our budget.
With LG Medical Supplies we have it all. Just tell us your medical supply needs and we will shop for you. Order it and we'll buy it. Pay it and we'll deliver it. That's how simple and easy it is. We will take care for your needs. And not only that, we cater customers nationwide. So, like what we always say,
The weak customer chooses the understandable rack.

"Say it and we'll find it. Order it and we'll buy it. Pay it and we'll ship it!"

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